Terms and Conditions

Coating Place, Inc. (CPI) offers Wurster coating research and development (R&D) services for coating formulation development and feasibility studies. The terms and conditions for these services are as follows:

A CPI project coordinator will work with the Client to organize all activities related to the project. Scheduling of actual coating unit time will depend on unit availability, coordinator availability and project needs. The coordinator may choose to transfer some activities to other qualified CPI personnel or laboratories if required for any reason. Such changes are made at the approval of the Client.

Client Involvement
The Client is allowed and encouraged to be present for all project activities and may actively participate, subject to approval of the CPI project coordinator and his/her substitute. All final decisions as to the experiments, experimental conditions and all project convers will be discussed with the Client and are subject to approval of the CPI coordinator or his/her substitute. CPI personnel are required to follow direction of the project coordinator. The Client must direct all instructions through the project coordinator.

A written report on trial activity will be provided at the conclusion of the trial work by CPI. The extent of the report will depend on the need of the project. To protect business interest, CPI reserves the right to refuse photographs of coating units and facilities and may choose to restrict availability of other documents.

It is standard policy at CPI to hold Client information as confidential. Confidentiality concerns will be documented in a Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement (CDA) if desired by the Client or CPI. CPI information related to its expertise, formulations, equipment design, and facilities are proprietary and confidential. CPI reserves the right to withhold information that is not adequately protected by the CDA or interest of the Client.

License and Discovery
CPI inventions, improvements or modifications to new or existing equipment, processes, formulations or other information discovered during the research and development phase by CPI for the Client shall remain in the property of CPI. CPI will grant to the Client a royalty free right to use said inventions, formula improvements, or modifications, with no right to sublicense if the subsequent production occurs at CPI or an affiliates facility. CPI further agrees not to use said inventions, improvements or modifications to produce, sell, or distribute any product, or material use in any product, produced, sold, distributed, or marketed in competition with the client.

CPI with strive to perform all trials in a manner consistent with proper and diligent conduct. Nevertheless, all work subject to this agreement is considered research and as such, no proposed or intended results can be guaranteed. Coating R&D work within the scope of this agreement is typically an iterative process with a serial trial/evaluation/trial/evaluation sequence until desired function or result is achieved or a determination has been made that further work is not to be pursued. Clients typically perform evaluations. Evaluations performed by CPI may be subject to additional feeds and will require the availability of suitable evaluation criteria. Experience within CPI helps to minimize the number of iterations and experiments involved; however, it does not eliminate the iterative process. CPI strives to optimize all services in terms of both quality and efficiency.

Terms of Sale
Terms of sale are net 30 days of invoice. An additional 1.5% interest per month will be added on all balances beyond 30 days.